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LOL champions review

The Lord Kelvin
Corenat Rovarnus
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LOL champions review Empty LOL champions review

Post by Corenat Rovarnus 2011-03-27, 23:12

Judging on who you are it might be shorter to make a list of champions you haven't played yet. Just list general impressions and powerofpoo.

Champions I've Played:

Galio - New favorite. Ostensibly he's a support tank, but his spells have abnormally high range and pack a helluva punch. Speed your allies up, slow your enemies down. His ultimate is useful is all situations, but of course with the "longest cooldown in the game"(according to tvtropes, but with blue it goes down to a nice 80 seconds) judgment calls are necessary. Resolute Smite! BOOM
Swain - Why? He's a MAGE TANK!! he's like blitzcrank but with a different theme. Ultimate needs to be buffed like with 5 ravens at max level. AMOS YEAH TORMENT! HOWRARARARAR (As of the Wukong patch they actually nerfed his ultimate to have less lifesteal. twice. Fags.)
/=iddlesticks - My best friend although dam riot keeps nerfing his drain(and everything else Evil or Very Mad ).Can be extremely devastating if played properly and the enemies are fools. Once saw one get a quadra kill with crowstorm. I get doubles and triples on a regular basis with this guy.
Singed - I'm too aggressive, but otherwise fine.
Garen - Good.Extremely Epic fail(as in my performance using him). 5/22/3 kda, ruined a bunch of folks' day. Needless to say I lost every game with him.

Others I've played as:\
Katarina - Standard AP build is awesome once it snowballs. Also a melee DPS but has more combat abilities than Yi so I like her more.
Jax - He's a badass AMOS\' MOM and you know it.
Master Yi - Once he's fed to 18 your whole team needs to sit down and think hard about what the hell they were doing. I think we're all in agreement that he's easy to use and easy to counter.
Nunu - Um. Snowball's great for trolling. Absolute zero is ok. I give him lots of slow and CC.
Tristana - I go attack speed and damage, overall mediocre.
Heimerdinger - One of my favorite champions. Supposedly I can't play him right.
Karthus - Once was enough to make a lasting impression: power troll. Far better mana regen than swain, plus his retarded passive and ultimate. But I've only seen him once. Got my first quadra kills with him, trollololololol.
Veigar - Straightforward nuker, I like the infinite AP growth, and placing event horizon correctly also takes a little skill.
Ryze - Also an easy nuker. Doesn't appeal that much to me.
Mordekaiser - he's a b!tch when used right. awesomesauce.
Anivia - I get almost the same sugar rush of being an absurdly powerful caster with a crap ton of slows and disables as with Galio. But she lacks innate tankiness despite her cool passive.
Ashe - enough to know that I suck.
Kassadin - same here, I still think he's cool though
Blitzcrank - Was I supposed to go BlitzTank or AP for max beats? I like him too.
Shen - I hate playing him, it is so dam boring.
Gangplank - Felix was mollified when I tried him out, apparently the right way to play him is to be a denyfag and run away all the time. But now they changed raise morale so it doesn't kill minions. Considered OP in ranked, I somewhat agree.
Annie - Probably one of the best mages hands down. PEDOBEAR~
Sion - One of the few tanks I enjoy playing. Because he's the easiest champion to play, as phallics says.
Nasus - Also a solid laner and tank. Siphoning strike needs lower cd.

Champions I have not seen at all or very little:
Cassiopeia - A good cass will fuxor you up hardcore. Respect. But not all players are good with her.
Urgot - A weirdo autoattacker mage type. Has a spell combo but apparently his strength is in attack damage.
Poppy - once in solomid, player sucked, owned easily with swain. As of recent weeks I have seen trabah4ris work wonders with her though.
Evelynn - This is a joke, hur hur hur.

Champions that I really hate facing:
Warwick - That passive lifesteal is annoying, suppression ult, and the stupid bloodlust thing that lets him see low hp champs.
Udyr - CRACKHEAD even noob udyrs are a pain in the arse, he runs disturbingly fast early game and has that gay stun you don't expect.

More 'Lasting Impressions': Truly memorable experiences.....=.=
Laning against Jarvan IV and Xin Zhao. RAWRCHARGEOMFG!-its like getting gangbanged...
Jax is solid and very noob friendly. This whole week when he was free, Jax has never let the team down. He's like Rick Astley except he can use anything to roll.
Gragas - Had only one game where I laned with a gragas player, but enough to ingrain into my mind that eh's a stupid fatass that throws barrels and doesn't afraid of anything, and feeds lane enemies because of that.
Cho'Gath - IMO the best tank. Because of feast and crap. OMNOMNOM.
Maokai - With a good laning partner and ability use, that sapling pisses me off so much.
Malzahar - A rather weak and fail champion. Not particularly threatening unless you're a squishy support wandering alone and he has nether grasp up.
Trying to get away versing lux and akali is painful since their ults can catch fleeing enemies. Especially when they're both chasing you.

Last edited by Corenat Rovarnus on 2012-05-07, 07:19; edited 4 times in total
Corenat Rovarnus
Corenat Rovarnus

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by Corenat Rovarnus 2011-03-28, 22:27

No, kat is hasan + yoruichi, she's better with shunpo. And soifon has no VR(.Y.)P >.< sad because she so azn.
Corenat Rovarnus
Corenat Rovarnus

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by The Lord Kelvin 2011-03-28, 23:37

I'm only gonna list ppl i've pleyed and their most noteworthy attributes. to get a detailed description of people I suggest you go here:

Champions List:

Tier List:
- Solo:
- Arranged Team:

- AP: Ability Power (spell damage)
- DPS: Damage per Second (autoattacker)
- Tank: Hard to Kill (fat man)
- Carry: Extreme Damage Dealer
- Support: Helps Others (heals or shields)
- Jungler: Special Class that gains exp through means of neutral monsters in the middle of the map instead of participating in laning (the attack and defense phase between the two sides each equipped with its own defense tower and armies of minions)
- Assassin: Surprise Attacker (typically has tons of status inducing spells as well as a fair damage output)


Heimerdinger (AP DPS): Brain-Head Man With a Mustache
low tier.... don't pley him that much, but he wuz who i started off using until i got enough money for my other ppl. basically he's like a club owner, he's really squishy and relies on his turrets (his bouncers if you will) to deal damage while you run around like in the sims and throw grenades and launch missiles.

Vladimir (AP Carry): Russian Vampire Guy
pretty squishy early game but once he hits lvl 6 his transfuse is a great health restoring nuke (high damage) type spell, plus he gets pretty tanky because of his passive which converts ability power to health and health to ability power (doesn't make a loophole in itself, gained ap or health from this does not go back into the passive again), plus he has a great status blocking mechanism where he can sink into a pool of blood and avoid everything for about 2 seconds while moving

Taric (Support Tank): Black Gay Guy
Not tanky early game, but once you get to lvl 3 he can take a fair amount of punishment because of his defensive aura. he has one of the best stuns (stuns about 2 seconds) and heals in the game. plus he has two auras that he can emit (the defensive aura and another aura that increases the attacks of all allies around you)

Tristana (Ranged DPS): Little Blue Gnome Girl With a Huge Ass Gun
extremely squishy throughout the whole game, but has great escape/chase mechanisms. can push enemies in the direction opposite she's facing, and can jump a fair distance like how u do in fps game!!! (rocket jump). also when she kills minions, they blow up damaging everything around them.

Other ppl i've tried:

Kog'Maw (AP or DPS Carry): Weird Caterpillar Thing With Legs and a Big Mouth
squishy all game and isn't great for damage dealing early game where all he can really do is slow people down, but once he hits lvl 6, it's time to fire some artillery!!! basically epic range and dmg.

Garen (Pure Melee Fighter): Big Crusader Guy With a Big Sword
Basic combo involves hiding in a bush and then silencing his enemies and spinning around with his floopy swoopy arms while shouting DEMACIA!!!. pretty good when in the right hands. Felix and i joke about him being a pro hedge trimmer

Swain (AP Tank): Creepy Old Guy With a Wooden Leg and Crow on Shoulder
has one of the best stuns in game (but only if placed right) and one of the best slows. uses AP for his tankiness as his ultimate is extreme health leaching from enemies based on his AP.

Fiddle-sticks (AP Jungler): Scarecrow With a Scythe
has a really epic damage per second area of effect ultimate around him that can be used while moving. Has extreme life single target life leach that can recover about full health as well as one of the best silencing spells in game. and to make his abilities even more deadly, he can make you move in a random direction while you can't control your character for a short portion of time. fairly squishy all throughout the game though.

Shen (Tank Assassin): Generic Ninja
has a life leaching attack, can force you to attack him against your will, and has an extremely Shirou-like extremely ninja body block where he shields and teleports to target ally.

Zilian (AP Support): Old Dude With a Huge Clock on His Back
Great at harassment with his sticky bombs that do damage based on how much AP he has. he can also speed up target ally or slow down target enemy and revive a target ally

Champions may be different tiers but the skill levels of the players are A WHOLE GAY-MOS LOT more important. so i'll add a tier list for the ppl on the forumz that currently play the game

Tier 1 (Pro):
- Felix (Xenoe)
- Amos (Darkgenesis)

Tier 2 (Good):
- Kevin Chu (Kevindakilla)
- Kai-Wen (itsame273)

Tier 3 (Mediocre):
- Kooay (Corenat Rovarnus)
- Vroopmaster (Vroop)

Tier 4 (powerofpoo):
- Matt Bird (birdmanrules)

Last edited by itsame273 on 2011-03-29, 18:35; edited 1 time in total
The Lord Kelvin
The Lord Kelvin

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by The Lord Kelvin 2011-03-29, 01:22

gotta add the best champion that kicks ass no matter ur skill level tho... so here you go
The Lord Kelvin
The Lord Kelvin

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by InteroVegas 2011-08-12, 17:24

Should I ACTUALLY list all the champions I have played enough to get the hang of? Or should I just list like my top 15?

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by Corenat Rovarnus 2011-08-12, 20:15

List your mains or top XX whichever is smaller, and any champions you haven't played.
Corenat Rovarnus
Corenat Rovarnus

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by InteroVegas 2011-08-12, 20:19

Champions I haven't played/don't own:

Akali, Anivia, Blitz, Caitlyn, Cass, Ezreal, Gang, Garen, Heimer, Jax, Karthus, Katarina, Kog, Leblanc, Malzahar, Malphite, MF, Morgana, Nidalee, Pantheon, Pantheon, Rammus, Shaco, Swain, Veigar, Vlad, Warwick, Xin

Will put in my main mains later

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by Capitalist Pig 2011-08-13, 14:57

amos hasn't played 2 pantheons? O_o
Capitalist Pig
Capitalist Pig

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by InteroVegas 2011-08-21, 19:39

Since I play powerofpoo loads of champs, lets go with my better 6 to 10:

Renekton - Crocogator, AD aoe tanky dps:
very tanky, has a kind of sustain in lane, has strong mobility in a teamfight and tosses damage everywhere - did I mention he has nasus' ult and I GAY-MOS LOVE nasus' ult.

Nasus - Anubis, King of Endgame.
His q gains permanent damage for every last hit it gets, while you could say this type of thing applies with veigar, tough powerofpoo it don't, veigar doesn't run around like a crack addict and use his hyped moves on a 3 second cd while being an unkillable anticarry mofo. he has an aoe bomb for super clearing and a KILLER slow (people who play nasus understand, the slow is crippling).

Rumble - The Mecha- crazy continuous slowing and MASSIVE aoe damage.
Being a no mana ap caster he can spam his long lasting large radius aoe spells (that do a lot of damage too) and 2 of the 3 already have the slow built in, with rylai's being pretty much required it makes him a slowing aoe dmg super melee hitting god mech.

Maokai - I will forcibly make you sit in my unfair 20% dmg reduction aura - and scout every bush in the game with my evil acorns. nuff said.

Kennen - Aoe ap caster stun machine - no mana, lots of aoe damage, and lots of stuns - and he moves fast.
* Kennens ultimate can crush fights similar to the way fiddles can. Unlike fiddles, kennens gives his teammates a chance to turn a fight around rather than carry his team on his own. Kennen can get fed and carry, but more often he can help his team rape face.

Annie - u all know annie, and if you don't, shame on you.

Mordekaiser - Master of "no one but me gets cs, not my teammates, not my enemies, not anybody, just me".
Mordekaiser is built around lanes, in games with less emphasis on controlling lanes mordekaiser is rather lacking. With his ability to dominate lanes LIKE A GOD he can snowball in any decent players hands into a monstrously strong Metallic Titan. Also Mordes ult is just a nina, and that clone buff turns arounds fights (I swear, first thing in a fight u want to do as morde is put ur ult on someone and GAY-MOS kill them, the sudden increase in damage and survivability is BROKEN (you don't understand just how broken, in my opinion it is the single strongest buff in the game, makes you able to 1v3 or 1v4) the ghosts crazy damage output is linked to your shield so while you damage practically doubles so does your shield, it really makes fights 6v4.

Vayne - Im not an AD carry, I'm a TRUE damage carry.
with a little bit of AD and a good helping of AS every other champ in the game bends over to her late game (except nasus and other champs who can utterly shut down autoattacking champs).
Her harass is very strong in a duo lane and her carrying power is also insane, nuff said.

Corki - I had an enemy lane? I guess my rocket machine gun scared them away : (
He is the god of Harassment and has crazy in fight damage from autoattacks because of strong aoe damage, armor reduction, and a passive that buffs his autoattacks. Also you pretty much always get sheen -> lich/trin on corki making his true damage auto attacks hit even harder.

Soraka - Healing Support
Her heals are ripped, she can make weak team dominate teamfights by sustaining them with twice as much health as they actually have.

Last edited by Darkgenesis on 2011-08-21, 23:20; edited 1 time in total

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by Corenat Rovarnus 2011-08-21, 21:30

So basically amos has not played any of my mains except fiddle-sticks which I am bad at now because of the constant drain drains.
Oh and you forgot to mention maokai's ultimate has a 15 second cd so you can feel free to spam it
Corenat Rovarnus
Corenat Rovarnus

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by InteroVegas 2011-08-21, 23:16

Champions worth mention at PRO level - that I have not played:
Pro alistar will ruin your lives.

Leblanc - TEAM, WHY U FEED AP SNOWBALLING STRIPPER GODDESS? a good leblanc knows how to score early kills, and then turn into a 2 shotting monster.(And by the way, getting grounded and silenced at the same time pretty much is getting stunned).

Gangplank - KARTHUS, Y U NO B4N PIRATE? what? leblanc counters you mid? o , I guess gangplank literally 2 shotting you and everyone else on the team is better than, "having trouble in mid".

Blitzcrank - "YOU AREN'T GOING ANYWHERE" - good blitzes keep you shut down in fights and easy targets for everyone while still GAY-MOS with the rest of your team.

Nidalee - "SUCK MY SPEAR, FEAR MY POUNCE, AND WORSHIP MY LICHBANE" - tiger form gives nidalee a lot of agility, letting her runaway or close in easily. Spear hits for a truck ton, She can heal for even more, and then she combos with lichbane for horrendous damage.

Warwick - "You can not solo me, You can not run, You can not hide, You can not catch me" - Good WW players position themselves and keep track of buffs and cs so they can be a step ahead of you keeping you nailed to the wall.

ProZ Degrees: Nasuverse nub, When They Cry BS
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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by Capitalist Pig 2011-08-22, 02:30

Darkgenesis wrote:
Nidalee - "SUCK MY SPEAR, FEAR MY POUNCE, AND WORSHIP MY LICHBANE" - tiger form gives nidalee a lot of agility, letting her runaway or close in easily. Spear hits for a truck ton, She can heal for even more, and then she combos with lichbane for horrendous damage.

dat nidalee. did i mention the upcoming patch BUFFS HER GAY-MOS JAVELIN TOSS
Capitalist Pig
Capitalist Pig

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by Zhu Yang 2011-08-22, 09:48

Oh very good. I approve of toss buff.
Zhu Yang
Zhu Yang

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by Corenat Rovarnus 2011-08-22, 14:33

Well I sure as hell don't, because not every game I play will have Vroopmaster as op nidalee on my side, in fact most of the time she's my enemy. Do you think I want lower cd on the gay javelin toss that does as much damage as a parrley critical? Oh and if you don't know what parley does, its basically a single target ranged ability that does over 1000 damage on a 3 second cd. That's why gp is banned in ranked. So no I do not want a buff to what is essentially the AP version of gp's ability, freaking half my hp disappears whenever i get hit, the only good part about it is that its a skillshot.

Obtw you forgot about amumu

You know I really wish riot would make an item like thornmail except for spells and magic resist. Then Galio would be as awesome as rammus.
Corenat Rovarnus
Corenat Rovarnus

ProZ Degrees: Nasuverse PhD, When They Cry Master
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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by InteroVegas 2011-08-22, 15:12

Capitalist Pig wrote:
Darkgenesis wrote:
Nidalee - "SUCK MY SPEAR, FEAR MY POUNCE, AND WORSHIP MY LICHBANE" - tiger form gives nidalee a lot of agility, letting her runaway or close in easily. Spear hits for a truck ton, She can heal for even more, and then she combos with lichbane for horrendous damage.

dat nidalee. did i mention the upcoming patch BUFFS HER GAY-MOS JAVELIN TOSS

Read in between the lines, Nidalee is getting NERFED, her spear is easy to handle, her heals made her immovable in lane.

They are trying to tone down unstoppable healing in favor of clutch, in the moment healing.

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by Zhu Yang 2011-08-22, 16:04

Oh yes I recently went on the site and watched the patch preview. Disapprove of heal nerf :(
But I wish I could see the actual numbers; I agree that her heal can get pretty excessive. I was in the enemy's base with a Lee Sin, and he really should have died about 6 times, but I kept healing him back from 10% to like 80% health until we killed their nexus.
I also saw that her cougar form is getting buffed, including AP ratios. So I'll have to try her out again before I judge.

What are they going to do to Amumu in the next patch?
Zhu Yang
Zhu Yang

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by InteroVegas 2011-08-22, 17:35

Nothing, they never bother amumu, like ever. Though to be fair, they occasionally raise or lower a value by 1 on him.

The heal is getting the proper nerf, more mana and higher cd. The problem with her heal was that in lane she would just spam it on herself all day long and you couldn't force her out of the lane. so this nerf has been approved.

ProZ Degrees: Nasuverse nub, When They Cry BS
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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by Zhu Yang 2011-08-22, 18:45

Corenat Rovarnus wrote:Obtw you forgot about amumu
What did Kooay mean here?

I will miss my haxx healing :(
Zhu Yang
Zhu Yang

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by Zhu Yang 2011-08-25, 13:58


Javelin Toss
Mana Cost reduced to 50/60/70/80/90 from 60/70/80/90/100
Cooldown reduced to 6 seconds from 7 seconds

May now be affected by Cooldown Reduction
Cooldown increased to 4 seconds from 3 seconds

Primal Surge
Mana cost adjusted to 60/80/100/120/140 from 65/70/75/80/85
Base heal adjusted to 50/85/120/155/190 from 60/90/120/150/180
Ability power ratio reduced to 0.7 from 1.25
Swipe ability power ratio increased to 0.4 from 0.2

Aspect of the Cougar now grants 10/15/20 armor and magic resistance instead of 10% Dodge
Fixed several tooltip errors (especially those in Cougar form)
Zhu Yang
Zhu Yang

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by InteroVegas 2011-08-25, 16:14

its a solid shift to nidalee, they don't want her maxing the surge and just healing up in lane, and they gave her javelins to throw instead (WHICH ARE MUCH LESS WORSE).

We should start doing patch note comments on the site.

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by Corenat Rovarnus 2012-05-15, 13:57

Got some new mains:

- Justice always prevails at top lane. ALWAYS. He beats out riven and a bunch of other ad tops. Highest base damage at level 3 with 2 points in JUDGMENT. ALWAYS start with doran's shield and ALWAYS rush warmogs. Wal Mart Gardening: Hedge trimming for ALWAYS low prices. Don't forget to take map hack and speed hack for bonus skills so you can enact JUSTICE anytime anywhere.

- Sun Warrior Main Tank with 3 ccs, not as great as Blitzcrank but close to it.
I like doing the burst harass while supporting at bot, put up shield stun, then blade in on their carry right as the shield detonates. It scares the crap out of many bot laners, they panic and overreact with flash. Her ult actually has a pretty low cd, with reduction you can basically spam it like Lux beam. I've never used her solo top but I'm perfectly willing to.

Kog'maw - Magic Artillery Ranged DPS, one of the highest damage in the game
Just grab a madred's bloodrazor, and with BioArcaneBarrage on you deal 10% of their hp per hit in magic damage. I'm normally horrible with AD carries, but kog'maw has so little mobility and escapes that it sort of forces me to play defensive tight, and well. No matter what happens in laning I am virtually guaranteed to rack up the kills late game. Bring the rain on those tower campers.

Cassiopeia - Snake Woman AP Carry, THE one and only Queen of DoT
So much poison...with blue they will be poisoned forever..

Alistar - Minotaur Main Tank, has 2 ccs, a heal and that ult.
The heal makes him a really legit support. Always an asset in teamfights. After initial success in ranked I got tired of playing him cuz he's slow. Sad

Nocturne - I am ok with him. Ganks are really half assed but I can pull through sometimes. If no one else feels like jungling.

Warwick - Very easy to play. Also a jungler I can use if no one else wants to.

Lux - I play her for the laser sniping. Fun skillset too.

UPDATES ON OTHER CHAMPS - I have now seen every single champion used in the game, so here's some updates on my opinions of them:

  • I hate kennen. Basically a stunbot that I can't play.
  • I still hate Udyr. With a burning passion. How does he clear jungle so fast? Does he eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch for dinner? WHYYYY
  • Seeing Felix play bromalzahar garnered some grudging respect from me for this half DoT burst mage.
  • Maokai is the powerofpoo, he's just like Galio, I don't know why I don't play him more often
  • Shen is a pretty cool guy, eh stands united and doesn't afraid of anything
  • Amos and I agree that Malphite is the worst champion in the game. Like really, you stack the armor on so your ground pound does more damage, so what? It's a 50% scaling and it's only effective for farming or when you ult into the enemy team. That's all he's good for, his ult. Plus he is literally a dickhead. Check the 3D model in game.
  • Nidalee is really awesome, because now I can actually play her. Discovered she's one of the few 0 cc champs though but her versatility and enlarged skill set can compensate.
  • Olaf - I think we can all agree that this bro is hax.
  • Shaco - Same here. Makes for hilarious first bloods.
  • Nautilus holds a special place in our hearts (or should) for being the only champion with 4 disables. Yeah really a passive autoattack snare, AOE slow, Dredge Line, Depth Charge. The rest of your team doesn't need disables as long as you're there.

Last edited by Corenat Rovarnus on 2012-05-17, 22:07; edited 4 times in total
Corenat Rovarnus
Corenat Rovarnus

ProZ Degrees: Nasuverse PhD, When They Cry Master
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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by nullset12 2012-05-16, 19:04


Champions I've Played As:

Ashe - Very useful frost arrow and volley ability - good for initiating or chasing down enemies. Relies heavily on farming early game or you'll fall very far behind. Enchanted arrow's very powerful and can decide battles - provides stun and slow.

Ezreal: Similar to ashe. Much more skill shot based and fun to play. Does not have a built in slow/debuff but has built in teleport that provides massive chasing down abilities. Mystic shot is awesome early game and should be used to farm. Farming is very important. If you don't farm, falloff in damage is massive. Global Ult - stronger than ice arrow if built correctly.

Mundo: Cleaver. Ult provides so much health regen it's crazy. Has numerous buffs that greatly help mobility.

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LOL champions review Empty Re: LOL champions review

Post by Corenat Rovarnus 2012-08-03, 20:37

New mains:

- I hear tell that he's "hard" to jungle. No, he isn't. Almost a literal speed demon, Flashing will not save you from his Devastating Charge(E), which for some reason increases the range on his autoattack as well as massively boosting movement speed. The ult is a lot like Malphite's except it does damage on the entire skill shot line. If your mid is getting dived while you're doing Wraiths, ULT ACROSS THE WALL AND SMASH THEIR MID!!!! I run Wriggles --> Swiftness --> Triforce then build tanky. I take Ghost instead of Flash because it is just that much better on him.

Tristana - is now my go to ranged DPS champ now. Her explosive shot(E) passive makes it so easy to farm, I can pretty much chain last hits and wipe out the wave in a matter of seconds. Buster Shot(R) does enough damage that it can be used as an execution move when dueling your enemy counterpart, that way you don't have to worry about which way you're blasting them because they'll be DEAD.
Current meta recommends that you take Heal and Flash when playing ranged dps.
Corenat Rovarnus
Corenat Rovarnus

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